Monday, April 28, 2014

What is honor?
Honor is:

Honor is the recognition of selflessness. When we see someone who has gone beyond the little self, we are reminded of our own potential or self-imposed limitation. It is to acknowledge this potential or limitation that we recognize one who has gone beyond. A teacher who has gone beyond the call of duty and truly cared for the student is worthy of honor. A person who really deserves to be called honorable is a person who deserves it 100%, for example, a person who will fight for what they believe for until they reach that specific goal, even after failing so many times, should be called honorable.

What is Dishonor?
Dishonor is:

Dishonor is the feeling of shame and guilt of failing without ever standing up again. Take for example a soldier, he goes to war and fights, but he gets so scared he would rather quit than help his teammates survive. A true honorable person would have fought, not for himself, but for the survival of the others, even if it meant his own death. Dishonor is the lowest you can possibly go because it is basically giving up on ones self and everyone close to the person. You must keep on fighting until you really can't go anymore.

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